Mediation in employmentis a complex process of more different and mutually connected activities of JOB CENTER.
Final goal is selection and employment of the candidate on previously acquired competencies who best suits the demand of a free work place for our partner – employer.
Professional approach and our experience are the guarantee of agility, safety and quality of all contracted jobs.
JOB CENTER does the following in mediation in employment:

Defines the description, conditions, responsibilities and authorities of a work place
Searches suitable candidates (from its base, advertisement on its web page, specialized platforms, social networks, media…)

Conducts checking of the documents, tests, interviews and candidates selection
Makes and presents the list of most suitable candidates to the employer
Develops and presents the client list of the best candidates

Organizes interviews between employers and candidates
Sends information on selection to all the candidates, and helps the selected candidates in the beginning of their new job ...